Thursday, August 13, 2009

First Blog

My name is David. I'm 41 soon to be 42. October 1st! I'm a new below the knee amputee and doing awesome! I had it done July 1st of 2009 due to some diabetic complications caused by poor diabetes management. Slow suicide!

I don't get my prosthetic leg though for another couple of weeks and even then it's a temporary one. I get the real one in about 6 months. " Real one " ? as opposed to the fake one I'm assuming. I'm really not sure where that came from. What else do ya call the leg after the temporary one? Oh. Duh! Permanent one. Would that be entirely accurate though? Because it's not really permanently attached. Not that I said it was the " permanently attached " leg. anyway...I'll be getting that one in around 6 months. I'm kinda excited about it because I'm going to be able to have something really cool airbrushed onto it. What that is I have no idea! Any suggestions???

I'm married to Leisa and have two kids. A son named Josh and a daughter named Danielle. I've been married to Leisa for going on 19 years. It's been pretty rocky for most of it and we've talked about and headed for divorce many times.

I'm happy to report that these last two years have been some of our best times. I've learned that not only do I have a wife but I have a best friend. I'm pretty convinced that was around the same time my depression lifted.

I guess this will be about my many various interest. I'm into making Stained Glass, Geocaching, making Halloween props, Koi and water gardens and collecting. I seem to have this need to collect things. I'm sure there will be a blog on that in the future.

I'll give you fair warning! I have crappy grammar and often misspell words. I'm open to any and all pointers on correcting any of this rampant behaviour. My biggest problem will be posting this before I hit the spellcheck button.

I'll delve a little deeper into my hobbies and interest and from there who knows where I'll go.

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