Thursday, August 13, 2009


Geocaching- For those that might not know what that is I'll try and explain. It involves a GPSR( r for receiver ) a website, someone else that has hidden something and an adventurous person.

You will start off by going to this website, entering your zip code or the area you are wanting to treasure hunt in and it will give you the coordinates of all the geocaches in that area.

You will then pick the one or ones you want to hunt and enter the coordinates into your GPSR. It will then give you directions on how to get there.

The coordinates are an actual locating to where something is hidden. That something could be as small as a film canister ( even smaller ) or as large as an ammo can ( even larger ). Your GPSR will only get you so close. Like maybe 30 feet or so. From then on it's up to you to spot where it is . Could be stuck to something in the area that's metal like a fence post. Might be actually hidden to look as if it belongs. Could be under a bush or in a tricky area where other people are ( you don't want to be seen getting it as someone ( muggles ) will take it once you put it back ). Once you have found it depending on the kind of Geocache you'll either sign the log or trade for a treasure ( trinket ) Most often you'll take something with you to trade. So you'll take something and leave something.

It's a great family thing to do and gets you off the couch. It's even cooler if you take a trash bag with you and clean up the area a little before you leave. Check into it. Feel free to message me at with any questions. You can also go to and find more info there.

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