Thursday, September 24, 2009

Band Of Rogue Squirrels

Day two. I decided to write this so there would be some sort of trace as to my demise. Something tells me the evidence won't lead to the source.

A band of rogue Squirrels!

It all started with a simple bird feeder. It lasted a total of two days and then was chewed right off the hook where we had placed it. I took pictures for evidence and we replaced it with another one that we felt would be more durable. As well as leaving corn out for them.

NOPE! It not only was chewed off the hook but was dragged across the yard. The site of that sending chills throughout my body. Again it was brought into the safety of my home to photograph.

It took several weeks of hunting and plotting what I assumed would be their next move before we purchased another one. This one was red with warning for them to keep away. Was armored in metal and had actual cable as the loop with which to hang it by. Was it success? YES!!! This one stood the test of time.

They now have their sights set on the house.

Yesterday I had the windows open and enjoying the cool, fresh air when suddenly I saw this blurry shape go zooming past outside our living room window. I thought nothing of it. It was after a few minutes that I began to hear these faint, high pitched scraping noises against metal.

" A little early for Freddy Kruger! " I thought.

So I wheel over and park right next to the storm door looking out across the porch. Nothing! " OK, that's odd. " I expand my search to the drive while thinking " I should have grabbed a broom! " At that precise moment I get a jolt as this flying thing attaches it's self to the screen part of my storm door directly opposite of where I'm peeking out!

Startled I jump! It jumps down and begins raiding the flower pots I have on the porch and stairs. Running swiftly from one to the next.

At the same time we hear someone shuffling up the sidewalk towards my house It froze, doing it's best taxidermy pose. I cocked my head to the left towards the sidewalk. The hair on the back of my neck stood up as I realized it was about to make a move in panic. Which way I didn't know.

It could either run over and fight tooth and nail to claw it's way through my nylon screened door or dart across the porch and off into the yard. I was hoping for the latter and was rewarded with such.


I'm in the kitchen when I hear this clucking noise. No not that kind of clucking noise. That's a chicken. This was more of I high pitched urgent clucking in a series of four.

" WOW! Something must be happening out there!" I thought.

Slowly I twisted the magic wand that makes my blinds open. It wasn't apparent at first where the sound was coming from. In fact it seemed to be coming from right below my window!

I twisted the wand some more ever so slowly. Angling the blinds so that I could see down. Naturally I'd have to have a flower box directly in the way! Can't see a thing!

The sound seems to be coming from everywhere. I stand up and again move the magic wand. Angling the blinds this way and that. Looking all around. I make my way over to the tree trunk and begin following my way up it. Nope, not on that branch. Nor on that one. Ah ha!!! There it is!! On this branch in a position as if it was about to pounce was the source of the clucking. Looking right at me through the blinds. Clucking at me as if to say " This isn't over yet! "

David (1)
Squirrels (2) bird feeders and (2) home invasion attempts.

The odds are not looking good for me.

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