Sunday, September 6, 2009

New Addiction!!!

I have this problem where when I'm into something?! I'm really into something!!! I'm consumed by it and have this sense of urgency to buy, buy, buy! Before I can't get it anymore. If it's something I really like I'll buy many of the same thing. I don't know that it fits into an OCD type category but it's something about myself that I'd like to change at some point.

On to the New Addiction! Danielle my Daughter came home from school Friday 09/04/09 with this vinyl toy from Taco Bell called Bellhedz. They come in a box and the boxes all look alike so you have no idea which one you're going to get. This is called " Blind Box " in business technical terms the definition for that is " they'll have to buy more then they need to complete the set or get the ones they actually want. "

This wasn't something started by Taco Bell but was actually started in the designer toy industry That sucks for most of us. It would be different if vinyl toys were HUGELY popular here in America and there were trading clubs all over. This isn't the case.

In the picture above you see some out of the box. The ones out of the box are standing on top of boxes. All the boxes below the ones they are standing on are the exact same one as they are. Those are the extras I have accumulated in trying to complete this set of 32. I think they have only come out with 16 different ones so far and I have 15 meaning there is still one illusive one that I don't have YET!

A little back history.

I'm a collector by nature. Not to be confused with a hoarder although in my explanation above where I buy many of the same thing if I like something I can see where one would be confused. I assure you I'm not hoarding! Well, maybe a little. If I single-handedly empty the stock of one Taco Bell I'll define myself a hoarder.

I seem to have this great need to be doing something or be interested in something or many things all the time. A few months ago I was suffering through a little withdraw. Do to me not being able to drive at that time, I sold my 54 Chevy, sold most of my Old School Rodz and Car Kulture Deluxe magazines, my Muscle Machines and Hot Wheels, Models, stick Shift knobs, Skulls & Bones. I wasn't able to get out into the Garage and make Halloween stuff and was pretty much bored and unstimulated.

So I began looking up cool things to collect or fun hobbies. On a side note google paper toys and look at all the fun stuff you can make with paper. I came across vinyl toys. Created by artist. Check them out! I know it seems like I'm rambling but this really does have something to do with the original idea today's blog.

When I started looking into the vinyl toys I was like a moth attracted to the flame. So many different kinds and by different artist. For the most part they start off with a basic shape and the paint is what makes each one unique in a set or series. Most people I'm sure have the willpower to buy only the ones they want. I'm more inclined to complete a set or series.

The issue I had with them was that they weren't popular enough for any of the shops in town that might normally carry something like these to carry them. So not only would I be paying the price for each one I wanted but I'd also be paying for shipping. That didn't seem attractive enough to even get started. I was tempted to buy one and see how well I like them. Never made it that far either.

That's why I was hooked from the get go with these. Only $1.05 and no shipping. Didn't have to wait for them to be mailed either. Instant gratification. It was excited because they were blind box and they had enough different ones to make collecting them worthwhile.

The problem was they were very similar to what an artist named Kidrobot is producing. They are a basic design with the paint making all the difference. They come in a box and they are blind box. There has been some boycotting, news flying around the net and varios rumors as to what's going to happen next.

I'm usually not one to support the business of copying someone else's hard work and creations but did in this instance. The artist Kidrobot makes Dunnys. Taco Bell makes Bellhedz. Dunnys are about the same size as Bellhedz and some go for around $8.00 then ya got shipping. Bellhedz go for $1.05 It wasn't a tough decision that took any amount of time. I'm hoping in the future to get more vinyl toys so I'm sure that Kidbot will benefit form me in short order considering the way I buy what I like.

As for now I'm collecting these. They don't have the quality or limited editions that Kidrobot or other artists have but they'll do for now.

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